Art Supplies Bingo
Download or make your own printable art supplies bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Use this bingo card generator to create custom bingo cards and games.
WORDS LIST: Stickers, Stapler, Acrylic Paint, Tape, Crayons, Hot Glue Gun, Felt, Pom Poms, Glue Sticks, Straws, Googly Eyes, Paint Sticks, Permanent Markers, Cotton Balls, Paint Brushes, Buttons, Ribbon, Paper Plates, Laminator, Colored Pencils, Chalk, Pipe Cleaners, Pegs, Ruler, Hole Puncher, Markers, Yarn, Pencil Sharpener, Craft Knife, Paper, Paint Pens, Dry Erase Markers, Paper Rolls, Dot Markers, Construction Paper, Watercolors, Twine, Label Maker, Scissors, Craft Sticks