Jurassic Park Bingo
Download or make your own printable jurassic park bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Use this bingo card generator to create custom bingo cards and games.
WORDS LIST: "Life finds a way", Hammond's staff, Kitchen, Dinosaur eggs, Access main grid", "Hold on to your butts", Jurassic park entrance, "You gotta go", Night-vision goggles, "Clever girl", Perimeter fence, "When dinosaurs ruled the earth", Dinosaur droppings, Helicopter, "That doesn't look very scary", Jurassic park jeep, John hammond, "We got dodgson here!", "No wonder you're extinct.", Dr Ian Malcolm, Gallimimus, "What do they got in there?", A car in a tree, The cup of water, "When you gotta go, Velociraptor, Mosquito in amber, Raptor claw, Dr ellie sattler, Ellie sattler, Triceratops, Flare, Dinosaur sneeze, Mr. Arnold's arm, Mr.DNA, "Welcome to Jurassic Park", "Stick! Stick stupid! Ah, T-rex, "Spared no expense", Alan grant, Jeep, Dilophosaurus, "She's ... Tenacious", Brachiosaur, Power out, Dr alan grant, Baby velociraptor, "Where's the goat?", Barbasol can