Mindfulness Bingo

Download or make your own printable mindfulness bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Use this bingo card generator to create custom bingo cards and games.

Mindfulness Bingo

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20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.99 90 Cards - $10.99 120 Cards - $14.99

WORDS LIST: Watch the sunrise, Call an old friend, Smell a flower, Sit in the sun, Eat a meal mindfully, Unplug for the evening, Take a new route home, Gaze at the stars, Read your favorite book, Hug a pillow, Breath, Squeeze a ball, Blow bubbles, Exercise, Count to 10, Take a long walk, Tell someone thank you, Think happy thoughts, Try a yoga class, Start a gratitude journal, Listen to the birds sing, Give a compliment, Listen to music, Try a new food, Enjoy a sunset, Do a random act of kindness, Meditate for 5 minutes, Drink water, Draw a picture, Smile at a stranger